Flying with a Purpose: PALS SkyHope at Oshkosh 2024

Recently, our team took to the skies—and the ground—at the 2024 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh to spread the word about our mission and recruit more amazing pilots.
OshKosh 2024

Are you passionate about flying and looking for a way to give back? Or maybe you know someone who could benefit from a free medical flight? PALS SkyHope, a 501(c)(3) Volunteer Pilot Organization, is dedicated to connecting volunteer pilots with patients who need to travel for medical treatment more than two hours from home. Recently, our team took to the skies—and the ground—at the 2024 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh to spread the word about our mission and recruit more amazing pilots.

Karen and Risa Spread the Word at EAA AirVenture

Karen and Risa, two leaders and enthusiastic members of the PALS SkyHope team, were on a mission at EAA AirVenture Oshkosh 2024. This annual air show is not just a gathering of aviation enthusiasts; it’s a celebration of the past, present, and future of flight. It’s a spectacular event that showcases a diverse array of aircraft, from vintage planes to cutting-edge modern designs. In addition to the breathtaking air shows, Oshkosh offers special events like AviationTech, where participants can dive into the world of aircraft engineering, learn about innovative design techniques, and even build models.

With over 500,000 attendees and 10,000 aircraft, it’s one of the largest aviation events in the world—a perfect place for them to meet with current volunteer pilots and recruit new ones.

You might have spotted Karen and Risa sporting their “walking billboard” at the event! They were there to connect with pilots who share our passion for helping others, and to spread awareness about the critical need for more volunteer pilots as the demand for medical flights continues to grow.

Watch the video of Karen and Risa in action!

Why Volunteer with PALS SkyHope?

Volunteer pilots with PALS SkyHope donate more than just their time—they offer their aircraft, fuel, and expertise to help patients in need. By flying for PALS, you can make a tangible difference in someone’s life, helping them access the medical care they need, no matter how far it is from home.

PALS’ geographical footprint covers everything east of the Mississippi River, so if you’re a pilot in this area and interested in volunteering, we’d love to hear from you. Not a pilot but still want to help? There are many other ways to get involved with PALS SkyHope.

Know Someone Who Needs a Free Medical Flight?

We’re here to help. If you or someone you know needs a free medical flight, please visit our website. Our dedicated team is ready to assist and help guide you on the path to wellness.

👉 Interested in becoming a volunteer pilot? Visit PALS SkyHope Volunteer Information.

👉 Need a free medical flight? Visit PALS SkyHope Request a Flight.

At PALS SkyHope, we’re always on the lookout for new ways to expand our network of volunteer pilots, ensuring that we can continue to meet the growing demand for our services. Whether you’re a pilot looking to volunteer or someone in need of a flight, we’re here for you. Let’s soar together!


You have the power to make critical flights happen

To help a child battling a medical illness get a free flight to a doctor who can save their life. To connect a wounded veteran with a service dog. When you donate to PALS SkyHope, you support people fighting for their lives, and pilots using their skills for the greater good. SkyHope pilots have flown more than 33,000 free missions, lifting the burden for families. With your help, the sky’s the limit for how many missions we can fly and how many lives we can impact. Help us continue to make these flights possible